Its not a subject a lot of people feel comfortable discussing with their peers and maybe not even their doctors. It is however a subject that needs discussing!
I can't even tell you how many personal changes I was making in the course of a day, especially when I was constantly coughing or sneezing due to a cold or post nasal drip or sinus infection. I note that for me the condition was much worse in the wintertime in the cold when I was wearing tons of layers and always felt like I had to go to the bathroom.
Well, thanks to Crowdtap and Poise, I feel a lot more comfortable and I understand the condition more. I thought 'period' pads would help but they felt so bulky and uncomfortable. Sitting behind a desk at work all day and a 2 hour commute each way has never helped either.
The Poise Microliners I received in my sampling were a surprise. At first I was like, who are they fooling with these paper thin products. That is...until I actually tried them. They are designed specifically for the problem at hand of LBL.
They are made with a breakthrough called SAM(Super Absorbent Material) and not only did that live up to what it was supposed to do, they were also very comfortable and i did not even remember I was wearing them.
I recommend anyone with this problem to try them for yourselves. Come back if you want and tell me what you think!
#LadiesWithPoise #sponsored
I'm a member of Crowdtap, where I qualify to try products for free in exchange for sharing authentic feedback using social media and word of mouth. 100% of the opinions expressed in this piece are my own.
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