I love these sample and shares I receive from Crowdtap when they allow me to try something new from a trusted brand.
This newest one is a Film-Coated Advil which is their fastest acting Advil yet. The day I got my samples they were such a relief because it was my birthday and I had a major headache coming on and I was supposed to go out with my friends that night for dinner. The way I was feeling I did not think I was going to make it and that would have been disappointing as we were trying out a new restaurant too.
I took one of the 2-count samples I received and figured it could not hurt to see if it would help relieve the pain. I took them and note that I usually have a hard time swallowing pills but I am guessing the coating on the Advil helps them go down smoother and easier. There was no aftertaste from the pills and I closed my eyes and waited for them to kick in. Now just so you know I time everything I take to see how effective it is by how fast it works.
Other pain meds I have taken in the past can take anywhere from 40 minutes or more to take effect. The Advil (for me) took approximately 20 minutes for it to start working. This will not be true for everyone as everyone's metabolism is different, but for me it was. The fact that the pain left shortly after that and I was able to go out and enjoy my birthday celebration was amazing because we went out to a place that was loud and rowdy and would give a normal person a headache.
I would recommend this product because it works.
I'm a member of Crowdtap, where I qualify to try products for free in exchange for sharing authentic
feedback using social media and word of mouth.
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