So once again I am working to review a product that I actually never thought I would use. I am a purist - sugar sugar sugar, that's it for me. I have to have sugar. The other packets in multiple colors that you would find in delicatessens, coffee shops etc. just do not cut it for me.
A friend of mine was telling me that she found Truvia and that it might be a good idea if I try it. I was given a product sample by the nice folks over at Crowdtap so I could provide my opinion.
I have coffee once a day - morning. The caffeine is bad later on for my metabolism. I also have to have it 'light and sweet'. For the coffee connoisseurs that means milk and sugar. I figured today would be good day to try the new sweetener, so I asked for a coffee light and told the counter person I would add my own sugars.
I found that the product dissolved completely and immediately after putting it in my coffee. I know this because I only use clear coffee mugs and there was no white residue on the bottom as I notice with other sweeteners. I took a sip and noted that it was not as sweet as it is with sugar but still pleasant.
There is a slight sweet aftertaste with the product, however not as unpleasant as some aftertastes like diet soda. I decided I was going to then try the product in my unsweetened iced tea later on to see if I would like it as well. I noted that it dissolved a little slower in the iced drink than in the hot one, but after stirring it would be gone soon. The taste was perfect in the ice tea!
Truvia is a natural product made from the Stevia plant and the brand itself is making strides. I think I will try the sweetener in the baking form next...after all the holidays are upon us and that means baking and more baking.
I would recommend this for anyone who is trying to break the sugar habit or to stop using those 'other' sweeteners.
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