Everyone out there is probably not fond of using their credit or debit cards on freebie websites or on sites they are unfamiliar with for small purchase amounts! Unfortunately, many of us still do it. This leaves us open for the fastest growing crime in America today....Identity Theft! Many companies require a credit card as a way to verify your identity at 'checkout'. This is the best alternative I have found and it is 100% FREE! Sign up for the American Express® Prepaid Card. You will get the card in a short amount of time and you never have to load a dime onto it unless you want to use it for something! It is super easy to add money to the card. I have this card and have used it a few times and it has worked out great! The other reason this card is great to have is that it spends like cash and has a lot of the great safety features available to you. Get your American Express® Prepaid Card HERE
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