This has to be one of the best inventions ever. I hate exercise. There I said it. I am overweight and need to do something about it, but I hate exercise. There I said it again. A friend tried to get me to join a gym, sorry a fitness club. Another told me to try riding a bike and that wasn't happening my balance sucks. Walking is okay but its not going to work out much. I do not know how to swim and that leaves what? Drastic surgery or me just staying the way I am? No! And again NO! I asked my physician what he thought about this type of product before I ever agreed to do a product review and he said it couldn't hurt to try. So here we vs the ball.I had seen these in fitness clubs, yoga classes, etc. so now it's my turn. When I got this and unpacked it I immediately noticed a difference from the ones I had seen others use. It seemed thicker. It came with everything you needed to start. The ball, the ai...
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