Do you love your chucks? skips? kicks? Well, I do! If it weren't for having to go to work every day and wear corporate shoes I would live in my sneakers! My biggest problem has always been that the sneakers come in awesome colors but the laces are always 'white', White white white..blah blah translation boring! I always wished there were different styles, lengths, thicknesses and yes COLOR!!! Well, thanks to this company We Love Colors - you can customize your athletic shoes, laced deck shoes etc. with that splash of color you have always dreamed of. The selection of colors available along with stlyes and lengths seem to be limitless. Solids, gradients, thick, thin, short and long. If you cannot find something that suits you then you are the pickiest person on earth. I received a gradient pair or green and blue, a solid yellow pair and a coral color. I promptly put the coral ones in my black skips and they looked great and update...
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